Calculator 🪙🏦Blogger
What do the words calculator and weather have in common?
They are the most common generic searches online day in and day out, but there are only Three letters that you can swap the emoji out in any domain name extension. eg
the "😍" punycode is
and the IDN code for "一" is
and "www一.com" is
"" not "wwwxn--4gq"
but the code for "Ⓜ️" is
"m" .coⓂ️ works ✔️
there are only Two others like this
"tm" ™️ and "i" ℹ️ or ⓘ
IDN or internationalised domain names have a similar looking code to emoji domain names however platforms handle each one differently. IDN can be used for email however emoji domains are still under investigation.
So for now you can contact me via
and one day perhaps you will be able to use a gmail or hotmail account to contact me via
There is a simple explanation, IDN were released and have slowly become more mainstream and thus support has grown, however emoji were released, and soon after support was halted, and it did not resume until specific Geographical extensions agreed to allow it some years later.